Yes! The Shift to the Commons is happening. Everybody is using different terminology to describe trade-free mutual aid networks but they are becoming popular in every town in city. New networks are being started everywhere, whether by regular people creating a phone chat group, or high tech companies creating a pretty app. The Great Transition is happening and you are a part of it! Every time we tell someone that there now is plenty for all, that generosity is what makes the world go round, or mention a FCN to them we are one step closer to world peace and prosperity!
This site itself has surpassed 30.000 visits already.
It’s really this easy, all we have to do is keep fostering prosocial behavior. If you don’t know how, you can copy past this following message.
Hello fellow human being! Please share this message. Raising awareness is how we change the world! If you want to learn how to create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible as an individual, we have a simple effective formula to do so. Simply by spending as much time as watering your plants, in 2 years you will see your town/city start shifting into a prosperous and generous society. It may seem simple or obvious but it really does work, just like meditation and exercise seem simple or plain but really do work. It’s called the DIY Transition Plan. 1. Project Sow Gift Society: Promote generosity and sharing. 2. Project Expand Free Collaboration Networks (FCN): Facilitate generosity and sharing by expanding FCNs. 3. Project Snowball the DIY Transition Plan: Inspire others to do the same by telling the world how you are working on projects 1 and 2. For more information and examples on how to get started, to find a quickly growing list of FCNs, or to connect with the global movement visit You can start by forwarding this message to 3 of your friends! The Great Transition to a sustainable world of peace and prosperity for all starts NOW!
This is awesome! What a great initiative. Time to harness the power of the internet for GOOD in all people 🌝