1) Systemic suffering: Billions of people are suffering and dying unnecessarily.
2) Ecocide: We are acceleratingly destroying the ecosystems that sustain us.
3) Hopelessness: Instead of offering solutions we say we are inherently flawed as living beings.
1) Systemic suffering
Billions of people are suffering and dying unnecessarily.
A child starves to death every five seconds and yet we have enough food for every human being on the planet to be fat.
Food and Agriculture Organization
Instead of feeding the starving we destroy food in order to keep prices high. Giving the food to the starving is called “flooding the market” and is considered a problem in our trade based society.
10% of the world’s military spending would be enough to end world poverty.
The Guardian
2) Ecocyde
We are acceleratingly destroying the ecosystems that sustain us.
With 200 species going extinct every day, we are living the 6th mass extinction on the planet.
UN Environment Programme
We are deforesting 80,000 acres a day of virgin rainforest, our planet’s lungs.
Scientific American
There soon will be more more plastic in the ocean than fish.
The Guardian
Anthropocene Institute